26159 EHW – Scissors, blunt, single action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 SHW – Scissors, pointed, single action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 UHW – Biopsy and Grasping Forceps, double action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 H – HESSELLING Tenaculum Grasping Forceps, double action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 DHW – Punch, through-cutting, single action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 BHW – Biopsy Spoon Forceps, double action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 DS – DI SPIEZIO SARDO Grasping Forceps, double action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
26159 HS – HESSELLING and DI SPIEZIO SARDO Tenaculum Grasping Forceps with Spike double action jaws, 5 Fr., length 34cm
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